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We increase companies' EBITDA

Commercial Audit Services increase company profits by recovering overpayments and reducing sums paid to customers in respect of recovery audit claims.

Commercial Audit Services primary objective is to safeguard organisations profits by mitigating sums paid to retailers collected via historic undercharges.

Incorporated in 2013 CAS has a wealth of experience in auditing and accounting, totalling over 30 years in the recovery audit industry.Our approach is based on building partnerships with clients; by investing time to fully understand your business, we can provide a service tailored to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

The experience and skills gained in this sector has enabled us to provide a professional service which has added over a million pounds to the EBITDA at a single client. Our work in this regard can be imitated across all manufacturing companies who sell their goods to high street and on line retailers.
We believe Commercial Audit Services is unique - our service, our strategy and our success is centered on providing a contingency fee service,                     
therefore if we are unable to add to your bottom line we don’t charge a penny, a zero risk service.    Our clients can deploy our services on a zero risk no win no fee basis, a fixed fee basis or a combination of both structures if required. 

Our team

Richard Hoffman B Com Acc FCA

Richard is a graduate Chartered Accountant. After qualifying Richard worked as a lecturer and a financial controller before becoming a recovery auditor. Over a ten year period Richard led the most successful recovery audit team across a number of high street retail clients. As audit director at the largest recovery audit company he recovered in excess of £3m himself on an annual basis consistently over a ten year period and his team recovered £6M each year over the same period under his direction. Richard left in 2013 to progress his own consultancy. Richard is also a company director, an investor and shareholder in a number of businesses and even had time to have a novel - It Always Rains in November - published in 2010. Richard is married to Patricia and they have three grown up children.

Louis Rumaner BA FCCA

Louis is a graduate Certified Accountant. Louis began work as a recovery auditor whilst as a student and became the most successful student placement, doubling his basic pay with his commission earned. Louis was part of the most successful audit at his recovery audit company, being consistently benchmarked as the most profitable and productive retail audit over a period of nine years. Louis left at the end of 2012 in order to work for himself. As well as auditing, Louis is a successful company director and property manager.`


Richard Hoffman


Louis Rumaner


Or contact us

Phone: 0208 407 1268
